Automotive Light Vehicle

Modern vehicle systems are a complex network of microprocessors and sensors. The use of diagnostic tools and subsequent troubleshooting is the most required skill in the current automotive industry. Our trainers allow fault insertion so your students can learn to troubleshoot and fault find.


This automotive training laboratory is designed to limit the amount of text-based learning that future automotive technicians complete and replaces it with interactive experiences and skills practice across all the vehicle systems including engines, braking, steering and suspension, air conditioning, and transmission systems.

An LJ Create Automotive Lab is a complete solution built around a managed interactive curriculum, a wide range of hardware trainers, including engine trainers and electronic systems panel trainers with fault insertion, in fact, everything you need to prepare your students for ASE industry certification.

These labs can be customized to meet the needs of your program with a focus for example, on auto electronics, engine performance, or diagnostic testing.


Resources - Brochures

Electric Vehicle Technology Skills Brochure

College Products Catalog

Working with STEM AutoLab Brochure

Electric Vehicle Mailer

Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Brochure