Electric Vehicle Technology

The aim of our Electric Vehicle Technology lab is to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to maintain and repair Electric and Hybrid vehicles.

EV Trainer and Student

We provide instruction at three levels:

1. Complete Vehicle Systems
These are based on large panel trainers that illustrate the operation of complete EV and Hybrid Vehicle systems.

Students can "operate" each type of vehicle, measure what is going on during the various modes of operation, and troubleshoot common problems.

2. Common EV Sub-Systems
Panel trainers provide each student with underpinning knowledge and troubleshooting experience with the most critical EV sub-systems such as:

  • Motors and Drives
  • Batteries
  • Charging Systems

3. EV Electrical and Electronics Fundamentals
A desktop training system provides very specific instruction and practice in the basic skills that are going to be required by students as they complete their studies.

Topics covered include:

  • Circuit Protection
  • Conductors, Insulators, and Earth Return
  • Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Power Calculations
  • DC and AC Signals... and much more!
Electric Vehicle Lab

Resources - Videos

Introducing our Brand-New Electric Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer

Taking an In-Depth Look at our Electric Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer

Resources - Brochures

Electric Vehicle Technology Skills Brochure

College Products Catalog

Working with STEM AutoLab Brochure

Electric Vehicle Mailer

Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Brochure