Automotive Technology

Our practical program, aligned to ASE Education Foundation standards, takes your students from beginner to shop-ready, and prepares them for industry-recognized certification.

Continuously updated to meet the required MLR, AST, & MAST standards, this complete automotive program enables your students to become new hi-tech auto technicians.

Our aim is to help you develop skilled technicians with a solid understanding of automotive technology and fault-finding techniques.

female auto technician mechanic with teacher

A unique blend of online digital learning resources and practical equipment combines to create an automotive teaching program that will deliver the knowledge and practical skills students need to achieve success. Programs can be customized to your career and technical education (CTE) or workforce development needs.

Hybrid Vehicle Panel Trainer
Hybrid Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer
Auto Electronics Trainer
Auto Electronics Trainer
Steering and Suspension System Trainer
Steering and Suspension System Trainer

Complete Lab Solutions

At LJ Create we pride ourselves on creating innovative learning spaces for a wide range of STEM and technical education disciplines.
We combine and customize these spaces to design a solution that meets the needs of each customer.

Spotlight on
Hybrid Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer
  • Provides students and instructors with the opportunity to demonstrate, investigate and fault-find a simulation of a hybrid vehicle electrical system.
  • Allows access to a simulation of the mechanical operation as well as provides a mimic of the electrical power flow.
  • Includes test points at a safe voltage level to allow for the investigation of electrical circuits.
  • Includes a range of fault-insertion options to simulate typical real-world system malfunctions.
Includes full set of lessons including:
  • Series, parallel, and series-parallel systems
  • Hybrid brake systems
  • Electric motors
  • Storage devices
  • Hybrid engines
  • Cables, connectors, protection devices, and controllers
  • Power-control modules
  • Safety
  • Routine maintenance and repair
Student using Ignition Systems Trainer

Resources - Videos

Introducing our Brand-New Electric Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer

Taking an In-Depth Look at our Electric Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer

Resources - Training Videos

Taking an In-Depth look at the Electric Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer

Taking an In-Depth look at the EV Motors and Generators Panel Trainer

Taking an In-Depth look at the EV Batteries and Charging Panel Trainer

Taking an In-Depth look at the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Panel Trainer

Resources - Brochures

Electric Vehicle Technology Skills Brochure

College Products Catalog

Working with STEM AutoLab Brochure

Electric Vehicle Mailer

Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Brochure