Career Pathways Programs:
What skills do your students need
for the future?

It’s almost impossible to predict the jobs awaiting a young person, but as educators, we are responsible for preparing them to make informed decisions. The LJ Create innovative Career Pathways programs allow students to experience a variety of disciplines, be presented with options, and form opinions about where different skills can lead to achieve success.

Located in Orlando, Florida, LJ Create has been providing schools around the world with award-winning, active learning solutions for Career and Technical Education for over 40 years. We create complete systems combining cloud content and tailor-made trainers that deliver innovative, inspiring learning in Science, Technology, and Engineering.

Please check out some of our program offerings, and give us a call to discuss how we might be able to help (1-800-237-3482).


ELEMENTARY CAREER EXPLORATION PROGRAM – Students explore and apply STEM concepts across a wide range of career areas and problem-solving challenges.




DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM – Students explore how STEM concepts are applied in a wide range of career clusters including manufacturing, energy, agriculture, health, transport and logistics, and information technology.




INDUSTRY 4.0 CAREER PATHWAYS PROGRAM   – Students explore concepts such as sensors and control, data analytics, and the efficient utilization of resources. Provides students with the skills and expertise they need to succeed in high school, industrial skills programs, industry certification courses, and college.




MECHATRONICS & ADVANCED MANUFACTURING – Foundational courses provide students the expertise they need to succeed in industrial skills programs and industry certification courses.




AUTOMOTIVE & DIESEL TECHNOLOGY – ASE CERTIFICATION – The most complete digital ASE program available, 100% aligned to all 3 levels of ASE standards – MLR, AST, & MAST. The program also aligns to ASE entry-level certification.

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