Partnership Agreement Announced with Eaton RESA Career Preparation Center

LJ Create, acting together with Aidex East, has announced a new Partnership Agreement with Eaton RESA Career Preparation Center (Charlotte, MI). The purpose of this public/private partnership is to create a Regional Training Center and Gold Standard Demo site for Aidex East and LJ Create to showcase their programs for future, potential clients in and around Michigan. LJ Create’s goal, when we became involved in the Career and Technical Education marketplace, was to provide professional, high-quality curriculum at the secondary level. Our current goal is to improve the standard of secondary training around the country. Since we cannot accomplish this goal unassisted, we form alliances with key educational establishments, such as Eaton RESA.

Through partnerships, we can strategically plan programs to ensure consistent and quality Career and Technical Education training for students. These strategies can then be shared with other educators: staff from other districts can be trained in their dissemination; online update training can be offered to educators from around the country, and strategies for integrating literacy and numeracy into these subjects can be implemented.

The equipment and curriculum installed into Career and Technical programs is a small but integral part of the total solution of preparing students to enter the workforce. Many experienced teachers struggle to stay current with technology; therefore, we are working with our partners to develop an Instructor Certification Program that will afford them the skills to facilitate a program that includes online learning and assessment combined with hands-on components delivered from Regional Training Centers.

The proposed Training Center would be involved in hosting visitations from other educators as well as short in-service training sessions several times each semester.


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