Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels

We offer a range of products to support your teaching of the Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels, including:

  • A comprehensive online lessons package with content available for Units 1-17 of the Engineering Core
  • Engaging hands-on resources for Units 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of the Engineering Core
T-Level in Engineering and Manufacturing Lab

Take a look at our T-Levels Brochure

Engineering and Manufacturing

View the products we provide to support hands-on and online learning for the Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels.

Request a T-Level Demonstration

Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels

Drop us a line today to request a demonstration - featuring our Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels support resources.

We'd love to chat to you about your requirements to find out how we can best support you.


Take a look at our T-Levels Success Story Video

Implementing a Successful Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels Course - In Collaboration with Wilberforce Sixth Form College

We spoke to staff and students at Wilberforce Sixth Form College to find out how LJ Create's resources have made a difference to the delivery of their Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels Course.

See how our Lessons are Mapped

Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels

Take a look at our detailed crosswalks to see how our lessons are mapped against the Core Elements of the Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels.

Resources - Videos

Working in Collaboration with Wilberforce Sixth Form College | E&M T-Levels

Our Desktop Trainers | Just How Robust Are They?

21st Century Engineering | What Can LJ Create Offer?

Resources - Brochures

Mechatronics and Automotive Brochure

T-Level Resources

PLC Training
Systems Mailer

Innovative Learning Spaces Brochure

Distance Learning (Engineering) Mailer

Resources - Printable Posters (T-Level)

Brighten up your Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels classrooms with these high-resolution educational posters from LJ Create. The files are in PDF format and A3 in size, but should also look great if you want to print them at larger sizes.

T-Level Careers - Manufacturing Poster

T-Level Careers - Fluid Power Poster

T-Level Careers - Green Technology Poster

T-Level Careers - Sustainable Energy Poster

T-Level Careers - Industry 4.0 Poster

T-Level Careers - Aerospace Poster


We look forward to hearing from you!

Request a Demonstration to discuss our resources to support the Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels.

We'd love to talk to you about our teaching resources. Please complete the form below to request a demonstration today!

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