LJ Create Engineering

Our online Engineering library covers a very wide range of topics in the package of over 4,000 lessons.

Our LJ Create Engineering licence (ENG1-AL) offers material on almost every topic of Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.  Lessons are designed to offer workplace skills and underpinning knowledge.  The package also includes academic lessons essential for engineering training.

In the UK and elsewhere we design and align our lessons to L1 to L3 units relating to qualifications such as C&G, BTEC, HND and EAL. Our LJ Create Engineering Licence now contains a series of 22 courses aligned to the Core Elements (1-17) of the Engineering and Manufacturing T-Levels.

LJ Create Engineering topic headings include:
  • Materials Engineering
  • Engineering Drawing
  • Fluid Power
  • Mechanical Systems
  • Manufacturing including CNC
  • Machine and Instrument Engineering
  • Inspection and QM
  • Industrial Controls
  • Electrical and Electronics
In addition to technical skills development, essential support is provided with lessons in:
  • Mathematics
  • English Language Skills
  • Engineering Science
  • Business Skills
  • Workplace Problem Solving

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How to order

LJ Create Engineering

Please call LJ Create at
+44 (0)1603 748001 or
email info@ljcreate.co.uk.

A member of our staff will be happy to advise you with your order and provide you with further options where appropriate.