Electronics Study Trainer

This trainer is part of the Core Electronics series. It allows the practical study of a wide range of electronics subjects, including DC and AC circuits, electrical networks, semiconductors, logic gates and fault-finding techniques.

The unique design of the Electronics Study Trainer (320-00) includes a heavy-duty casing with transparent protective cover. When in use, the cover folds back to provide an angled support for the unit. With the cover closed, trainers become stackable for easy storage.

A range of optional experiment cards may be plugged into the trainer to address further subject areas, including electronic systems, transistor amplifiers, linear and digital systems, telecommunications, and microprocessors.

The trainer is supplied with a comprehensive set of carrier-mounted components and digital curriculum material, providing a comprehensive course of electronics study.

The trainer includes the following devices and features:
  • Patching area for use with component set
  • Connection system for optional plug-in experiment cards
  • On-board signal generator providing square wave and sine wave signal sources
  • 8 logic switches and 2 pushbutton switches for use as control inputs
  • Zero insertion force socket to accommodate dual-in-line integrated circuits
  • Buzzer, white and red LEDs, and headphone
  • Two OR gates, AND gate and inverter
  • Transistor switch and relay
  • 8 logic monitor LEDs for displaying logic outputs
  • 2 red and 2 green LED monitors for traffic light simulation activities
  • 2 seven-segment displays with decoder/drivers
  • Connection panel providing 2mm and 4mm sockets, test pins for oscilloscope probes and connector for powering prototyping boards
  • Full short circuit/overload protection
  • Easy-to-use switched fault facility for fault-finding activities on the trainer
  • Connecting leads, shorting links and power supply adapter

The following optional experiment cards can can be plugged into the Electronics Study Trainer – to enable study of additional electronics themes:

How to order

Electronics Study Trainer

Please call LJ Create at
+44 (0)1603 748001 or
email info@ljcreate.co.uk.

A member of our staff will be happy to advise you with your order and provide you with further options where appropriate.