Automotive Medium/Heavy Vehicle

An LJ Medium/Heavy Vehicle Lab is designed to maximise the time students spend actively engaging with understanding and developing skills in the technologies used in medium and heavy vehicles.


In addition to a comprehensive curriculum package, students will have access to electrical and electronic systems panel trainers with fault insertion, working engine trainers, 24V electrical trainers, airbrake trainers and sectioned systems. A medium/heavy vehicle lab can be designed with focus on diesel engine technology, diesel engine management and include accommodation for off-road vehicles or alternate fuel engines.

The aim of the medium/heavy vehicle lab is to help you develop skilled technicians with a solid understanding of heavy vehicle technology and fault-finding techniques.


Resources - Videos

Introducing our Brand-New Electric Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer

In Focus - Hybrid Vehicle
Systems Panel Trainer

Taking an In-Depth Look at our Electric Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer

Our Desktop Trainers -
Just How Robust Are They?

Resources - Brochures

Electric Vehicle Auto Repair Skills Brochure

Mechatronics and Automotive Products Brochure

Innovative Learning Spaces Brochure

Hybrid Vehicle
Systems Mailer

Resources - Printable Posters

Brighten up your classrooms with these high-resolution educational posters from LJ Create. The files are in PDF format and A3 in size, but should also look great if you want to print them at larger sizes.

Electric Vehicle Technology Poster

Tyre Identification (ISO Metric Code) Poster

Air Conditioning Systems Poster

Automotive Braking Systems Poster

Automotive Technology Poster

Automotive Electrical Systems Poster

Automotive Components and Servicing Poster

Automotive Transmission Systems Poster

Modern Automotive Lighting Poster

Engine Performance Poster

Steering and Suspension Systems Poster